Online Registration
- Applicants can apply online by filling up the Application Form and make payment of Rs. 500 towards the cost using Credit/Debit Card (Visa/Master Card/Citibank Card) or Internet banking option using secure internet payment gateway.
- Applicants applying online should attach their scanned color photograph along with the Online Application.

Important Instructions
- Prior to filling the online application, please read the eligibility criterion of respective program given on the website and gather the information needed to complete the process:
- Ensure you have a valid email address, telephone number and address before you apply. These should be valid throughout the admission process.
- Keep the marks sheets of X, XII, Graduation ready for calculating percentage of marks. The percentage obtained is to be calculated as per the practice followed by the board/university/institution from where you will be completing the course/program/degree.
- If academic institutions offer grade point averages (GPA), they need to be converted into percentage score as per the conversion scheme of that institution. If an institution does not have a conversion scheme for GPA, the equivalence has to be calculated by dividing obtained Cumulative GPA (CGPA) by the maximum possible CGPA and multiplying by 100.
Estimated time to complete this process:
- 15 – 20 minutes
- Guidelines for filling individual items
Past Academic Records
The eligibility requirements are given on the website Based on the program you are applying the eligibility requirements differ.
School / Intermediate Board
- Board:Enter the name of the board. Year of Passing (YOP): Select the year of passing from the drop down list. Marks (%): Indicate your aggregate marks percentage.
- Medium: Indicate your medium of instruction from the drop down list. Graduation (In case if you are applying for MBA Program)
- Year of Passing (YOP): Select the year of passing from the drop down list. Marks (%): Indicate your aggregate marks percentage.
If studying
If you are in the final year of the program, enter the percentage of aggregate marks obtained for the years/semesters of the program completed till date.
Graduation Details
- University Name: Enter the name of the University the college is affiliated to.
- College: Enter the name of the college.
- City: Enter the name of the city where the college is located
- State: Enter the name of the state where the college is located On clicking Proceed you will view the complete data you have keyed in. In case you wish to make any changes you have to click the Back button else if you wish to proceed with submitting the data you have to click Submit button.
- Family Background: Parents details are also required to be filed along with no. of siblings.
- Photograph: Please upload your photograph (Colour photograph Full face till the shoulders) in jpeg or gif format. The photograph size should not exceed 25KB and should be approximately 140 160 pixels.
- Declaration In this section, you will be required to choose I Agree to the declaration statement. This declaration affirms that all the information that you have entered is correct.
- Submit On clicking Submit your data will be saved and you will move on to the next page, wherein you can view the complete data you have keyed in. In case you wish to make any changes you have to click on the Back button else if you wish to proceed with submitting the data you have to click Submit button. On clicking Reset , you can change any information.
Online Registration Fee
- Online Registration Fee You will be charged with Rs.3000/- (based on program selected) towards Online Admission Fee. Online Payment Gateway facility enables payment through Eazypay payment gateway using Credit card (Visa/MasterCard issued by any bank) / Debit Card / Internet banking.